Another parallelism between Orlando and Jonty as unofficially married couple is the little subplot of Jonty’s sister, Lavinia, and her husband Ralph, even if in this case the author doesn’t arrive to use Orlando as marriage counsellor, since, well, Orlando is not exactly the most disinhibited of the man when talking about sex.
Another reason why I picked up a very personal detail is that this novel seemed more “personal” than the other I read, and the mystery Jonty and Orlando try to solve, is more or less in the background, leaving more center stage space instead to Orlando’s own mystery about his origins. Without spoiling too much the story, I think the author wanted in a way to bind together Jonty and Orlando even more, giving them a common ground. Plus, it helps Orlando to understand better his own family and so giving him the chance to let it go part of his inherent sadness to be more open to the happiness he found with Jonty.
In comparison to the other novels in the same series, I found this one a little more “light”; true, the light tone is common throughout all the series, Jonty and Orlando launching gags to each other with cleverness and humour, but probably since, as I said, the story is more personal, so is their dialogues, more focused on their common life and their future. Moreover, even if Orlando needs to estranger himself a bit, there is no apparently obstacles to their love, having more or less the support from whoever is dear to them.
Amazon: Lessons in Trust (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries)
Amazon Kindle: Lessons in Trust (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries)
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing (April 5, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1609280768
ISBN-13: 978-1609280765
Series: A Cambridge Fellows Mystery
1) Lessons in Love:
2) Lessons in Desire:
3) Lessons in Discovery:
4) Lessons in Power:
5) Lessons in Temptation:
6) Lessons in Seduction:
7) Lessons in Trust
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