elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

The Zagzagel Diaries by Bryl R. Tyne

With a series a short stories, less than 10 pages each, Bryl R. Tyne introduces the reader to a character, the guardian angel Zagzagel who promises to be the source of many more delightful stories. As rightly for a story about angels and lost hopes, there is a tinge of sadness, but luckily that doesn’t turn into a tragedy.

Zag is sent from Big Papa (yes, Him) to save people in need, man, women, whose desire is to love and be loved, but who were not able to find that love in their life. Those people are at the edge, in the moment of doing something that will put an end to their miserable life, and Zag is suppose to not intervene; but the reader knows that, when we are talking of guardian angels, we are also talking about friends who will never let you down, and so Zag cannot avoid but to help his wards.

Even if the stories are short, I had the time to be “uncertain” on the outcome: was this an impossible become possible love story? Was Zag saving his love other than his protégé? for all the set of stories you will see Zag struggles with fear and hope, with trust and mistrust in the big design of Big Papa. What will be the final decision? Will Zag be damned or prized?

This is a series of nice short stories with the right dose of romance, sadness, fantasy, and above all hope.

Series: The Zagzagel Diaries
1) Forsaken
Amazon Kindle: Forsaken
Publisher: Untreed Reads Publishing, LLC (March 26, 2010)

2) Denial

3) Desperate
Amazon Kindle: Desperate
Publisher: Untreed Reads Publishing (June 11, 2010)

4) Lost
Amazon Kindle: Lost
Publisher: Untreed Reads (August 8, 2010)

5) Broken
Amazon Kindle: Broken
Publisher: Untreed Reads (December 21, 2010)

6) Loved
Amazon Kindle: Loved
Publisher: Untreed Reads (April 5, 2011)

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle
Tags: author: bryl tyne, genre: fantasy, length: short story, review, theme: angels

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