elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Into This World We’re Thrown by Mark Kendrick

Maybe since the boys are grown and so, in a way, the are more engaging, maybe since I like my romance, and in this sequel to Desert Sons there is plenty of it, I think I liked even more Into This World We’re Thrown than its prequel.

Ryan and Scott are boyfriends and as such they have sworn to each other to come clean with their respective families; Ryan’s revelation goes pretty smoothly, and instead Scott has to face some more issue. Then there is the problem that Scott is still in high school, and that he fears to come out at school. Most of the first part of the book is focused so much on Scott that I was almost thinking Ryan was a supporting character in this second novel; but then, Ryan’s grandmother’s death brings forward all Ryan’s fears, the same fears that had him trying to commit suicide more than one time, the same fears that had his grandmother exiling him in Yucca Valley.

I liked that, even if it was not a bed of roses for these two guys, their issues were, more or less, ordinary issues of teenager boys. True, Ryan is depressed, but how many boys are the same at that age? Maybe, that depression is not read in the right way, and can escalate to something worse, for this reason I liked the author gave Ryan the chance to be followed by a good doctor, someone who was able to understand a boy and his issue.

Than there is Scott, sometime behaving like he was older than his age, but in the end being a young man, with the sexual impulses of a teenager. Scott is in love with Ryan, and he understands Ryan’s issues, but he is not a saint, and when the chance to have some relief presents itself on a gold plate… well he is not able to deny it to himself.

But Ryan and Scott are in love, and mostly they have the support of who loves them; not all the teenager can say the same, and so these two have plenty of chances to an happily ever after, and they will be able to catch it.

Amazon: Into This World We're Thrown
Amazon Kindle: Into This World We're Thrown
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: iUniverse (January 30, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595214681
ISBN-13: 978-0595214686

Series: Desert Sons
1) Desert Sons: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1335223.html
2) Into This World We're Thrown

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle
Tags: author: mark kendrick, genre: contemporary, length: novel, review, theme: coming of age

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