elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Arnette Lamb (January 12, 1947 - September 18, 1998)

Arnette Lamb (b. January 12, 1947 in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. - d. September 18, 1998) was an U.S. American writer of 13 romance novels from 1990 to 1998. Arnette Lamb was known world wide for her romance books set in Scotland. Arnette was an inspiration for authors, particularly those in her Houston, Texas critique group and she always had time for her fans.

She has won for two years the Romantic Times Career Acheivemente Award (1989-1990 e 1993-1994) and her Anthology "A Holiday of Love" is in the Top Ten Anthology List by All About Romance.

Surrounded by her husband, family and friends, Arnette, at the age of 51, passed away September 18, 1998, after a two year fight with nasal pharyngeal, a form of cancer. Her funeral service was held in the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas.

Arnette Lamb’s Books on Amazon: Arnette Lamb

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnette_Lamb
Tags: romance history

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