As in an old fashioned Hollywood comedy, Tyler has to marry before his 25 years birthday to inherited the trust fund from his grandfather. But even if Tyler had plenty of girlfriends, no one is readily available and so Glen, Tyler’s best friend since they were teenagers, and current roommate, proposes him. Now you are thinking, Glen is gay and in love with Tyler… yes and no. Glen is a “gay for you” type of guy, meaning that he fell in love with Tyler 10 years before, but he wasn’t ready to admit it. Until the day Tyler had insignificant relationships, Glen had not the feeling to risk losing him and it was enough. But now that Tyler has to marry, no way Glen will let someone else get his guy. Since nothing is against the event Tyler is marrying a man, and they are living in Vermont, in less time than thinking it, Glen and Tyler are married and when the judge says Glen can kiss Tyler, Tyler has an epiphany as well: he is in love with Glen.
The first part of the story is very much comedy and roses: everything is perfect, Glen and Tyler are in love, Glen’s family support them, Tyler inherits 36 billion dollars (yes, that is right, he is the 4th richest man in the world) and they exchange as marriage gift hockey teams. They spend their time having fun, meeting gay guys, and mostly doing nothing. It was fun but I was wondering how the author was supposed to fill the other 2/3 of the book. And then the book took a romantic adventure turn, with someone threating Glen and of course Tyler becoming the knight in shining armor protecting his damsel in distress (even if the damsel is built like an hockey player and probably weight 1 and half his knight).
Sure the story is not serious, sure it’s naïve and funny, and no, despite all the threats and dangers, no one will get harm, not even the villain. This is more like a young adult romantic comedy than a real thriller, and even if it’s not specifically aimed to a YA target, giving the amount of sex (almost none if not some “talking about it”) and the light tone of the whole, I would say maybe the actual target can include also some teenagers… it’s good for once to have a light and funny story, sure not realistic, but so romantic.
Aside from that, I think this sugar and honey story will also appeal to the more adult reader who wants a break from reality. It’s like reading one of those glossy magazine, with all the fashion and design pictures on them: only one out of 1000 could really relate to them, but nevertheless it’s nice to dream. Glen and Tyler are not rich, they are well far more than rich; they have a penthouse in NYC, an island “near” Long Island, another one in the Caribbean sea, plus probably an home in every major city, in and outside the US. They own planes and ships, banks and hospitals, and more important than that, 2 professional hockey teams, but in the end, they like to cook for each other and for their friends when they have them at dinner. And then they are stupidly in love, and the author has already planned book two in Scotland and book three in Paris (see attached picture for reference), just the right way to hook me to this series.
Amazon: Glen & Tyler'S Honeymoon Adventure
Paperback: 402 pages
Publisher: (October 15, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1257851454
ISBN-13: 978-1257851454
Reading List:
Cover Art by Michael Broderick