elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

GayRomLit Ebook Giveaway: Em Woods - Only Sam

I asked to all the authors joining the GayRomLit convention in Albuquerque in October (http://gayromlit.com/authors.php) a personal favor, a special Ebook Giveaway: every 2 days I will post 1 book from each author, and among those who will leave a comment, I will draw a winner. Very easy and very fast ;-) I will send a PM to the winner, so remember to not leave anonymous comments!

And the ebook giveaway goes to: loveless3173 please contact me.

Today author is Em Woods (http://authoremwoods.com/)

Only Sam by Em Woods
Publisher: Total-E-Bound Publishing (February 13, 2012)
Amazon Kindle: Only Sam

When a restaurant goes up in flames, will a spark of love rise from the ashes for a chef and his hero?

When chef Dylan Brookes finds his restaurant engulfed in flames, all he can do is watch his dreams turn to ashes. Shock, hurt and disbelief leave Dylan vulnerable to both the man who wants to love him...and the one who wants to kill him.

Fire fighter Sam Carter has been frequenting the same small restaurant for a year, trying to work up the nerve to ask the chef out on a date. When Dylan’s Omni burns to the ground from foul play, Sam steps in to help.

Now the question is...will his efforts be too late?
Tags: author: em woods, gayromlit

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