But something happens, Jesse is paired with a gay roommate, and Adam is nice, cool, and way more sexy to Jesse’s eyes than his girlfriend. At first it seems it’s Adam who pursues Jesse, who is trying to convince him he is if not gay, at least bisexual, and it seems like Jesse who is doing a favour to Adam, who “allows” his roommate to play with his body but not with his heart.
If I have to be sincere, at first I didn’t like much nor Adam or Jesse; it’s strange but while he is openly gay, Adam is really uptight, with a lot of preconceptions even on his own gay friends; on the other side, Jesse is scared of everything, of being out, of losing his planned life, of being rejected by his mother… Probably what I was not considering is that they are young!
Jesse is barely 18 years old, Adam not much older. They are scared and rightly so; what they are facing is a big challenge, and probably they are not ready. I changed my idea on them in the end, because I realize I was judging them with the wrong eyes, these two are not adult men pondering options in life, these two are two teenagers who don’t know what life will present them in the very next future.
Amazon: A Life Without You
Amazon Kindle: A Life Without You
Paperback: 236 pages
Publisher: MLR Press (January 12, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1608205258
ISBN-13: 978-1608205257
Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bott