elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

GayRomLit Ebook Giveaway: Vivien Dean - Walk Among Us

I asked to all the authors joining the GayRomLit convention in Albuquerque in October (http://gayromlit.com/authors.php) a personal favor, a special Ebook Giveaway: every 2 days I will post 1 book from each author, and among those who will leave a comment, I will draw a winner. Very easy and very fast ;-) I will send a PM to the winner, so remember to not leave anonymous comments!

And the eook giveaway goes to: spike7451, please contact me.

Today author is Vivien Dean (http://viviendean.com/)

Walk Among Us by Vivien Dean
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (August 26, 2008)
Amazon Kindle: Walk Among Us

The only man he can trust is the killer he can’t stop thinking about.

A Calling of Souls story

As an artist in New York City, Calvin Shumacher finally has the life he’s always wanted. In fact, only one thing can get him to come back to Illinois—his father’s funeral. All he wants is to bury his dad and hightail it back to New York, but a sniper at the graveyard puts those plans on indefinite hold.

So does Matthew Soto. The gorgeous gunman who speaks of monsters wearing human faces. And predicts there won’t be a body for police to find.

Calvin doesn’t know what to think when Matthew claims he didn’t do anything wrong. All he knows is that this man’s haunted eyes seem to pierce right into his soul.

But as each of Matthew’s assertions comes true, Calvin slowly realizes this killer could be the only thing standing between him and an unspeakable evil…
Tags: author: vivien dean, gayromlit

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