elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Around the World: Shopping spread

Lesson n° 1: don't go shopping when you lost 2 sizes and you know it... Everything started in an innocent way, I got delayed in Istanbul without luggage and I needed a change of shirt. My idea was to buy one of those cheap touristic shirt, but then I went in a bazar and I liked this one (please proceed with evidence n° 1)

the guy told me that for the price of one he would give me two, and so I bought also this one (please proceed with evidence n° 2)

see details of evidence n° 2:

I then was in Singapore, and went in Little India. There is a place here, a clothes market, everything from India. I didn't want to buy anything important, but I wanted something to reming me this travel and so I bought 2 shirts and 1 dress (please proceed with evidence n° 3, 4 and 5)

this goes with green matching pants, see details of evidence 5:

I told myself, this is enough... but then the day after I went to Arab Street, and there was this nice little shop... (proceed with evidence n° 6)

see details of evidence n° 6:

Now, again I told myself, this is really enough, you have a weight limit for the luggage, you were already above it... but then I went to Chinatown (please proceed with evidence n° 7, 8, 9 and 10)

silk, see details of evidence n° 7:

the guy told me that if I bought two of this type he would give me a good price:

and then I soo love the Chinese style...

see details of evidence n° 9:

see details of evidence n° 10:

Now, you are thinking, that is enough right? Little India, Arab Street, Chinatown, I made all the ethnic markets... but Little India is soo big, and today I didn't know what to do... (please proceed with evidence n° 11 and 12):

see details of evidence n° 11:

if you are wondering about the sleeves, you need to move them up to the hand and then you fix the cuff on the hand (so that only the fingers are out). This goes with matching black pants and see details of evidence n° 12:

Well the good news is that now I have really too much clothes... the bad news? I'm here for other 4 weeks!!!
Tags: around the world

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