elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Protect and Serve: Paws on Me by Silvia Violet

I read the previous one by Silvia Violet in the Protect and Serve series and it was nice, but Pawn on Me is really good. I liked the story between a young and hot bear shifter and an well-weathered cop, on the other side of forty, who is not a “bear” shifter, but who is actually a “bear” on his own.

Seth was never good in relationship, he tried with both women and men, and it’s ages he has decided to give up; so when Brandon, young club owner and shifter, comes strong at him, he decides to ignore the youngster… problem is Brandon is not easy to ignore, and when an investigation brings Seth directly to Brandon’s club, and into Brandon’s arms, resisting is futile.

I liked the mix of powers in the couple; even if Seth is the older, he is not for this reason by default the top; as, on the other side, even if Brandon is the shifter, and then the stronger, neither this is the reason for him to lead the relationship. That between Seth and Brandon is an hot game of giving and taking, and the sex is good, rough but passionate, not without romanticism.

This is only a novella, and it’s mostly about Seth and Brandon’s relationship and their discovering each other in and out of the bedroom (but mostly in); nevertheless, it was a nice piece of erotic romance, and I liked it a lot.


Amazon Kindle: Protect and Serve: Paws on Me
Publisher: Changeling Press, LLC (October 28, 2011)

Series: Protect and Serve
1) Flash Point by Lena Austin
2) Badge Bunny by Cynthia Sax
3) Kitty Kat by Anne Kane
4) Fox and Feral by Angela Knight
5) Savage Wolf by Silvia Violet
6) The Godrabbit by Cynthia Sax
7) Hounding the Beat by Sharon Maria Bidwell
8) Sex on the Hoof by Silvia Violet: http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/3317535.html
9) House of Blues by Shelby Morgen
10) Legal Beagle by Cynthia Sax
11) Paws On Me by Silvia Violet

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle

Cross-posted from: http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/3340924.html
Tags: author: silvia violet, genre: paranormal, length: novella, review, theme: cops, theme: may december, theme: shapeshifters

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