elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

John A. Avant (September 1, 1945 - November 13, 1993)

John A. Avant was a librarian who contributed reviews to Gaysweek and wrote for The New Republic, among others.

John Alfred Avant, former fiction librarian and lecturer at the Main Brooklyn Library on Grand Army Plaza, died on November 13, 1993, at his home in Manhattan. He was 48.

The cause was AIDS-related illness, said his companion, David Allen.

Under Mr. Avant's guidance, the library's fiction collection became one of the largest in the country. He led taped monthly book discussions until 1992.

He was born in Fleahop, Ala., on Sept. 1, 1945.

In 1968, after graduating from Emory University in Atlanta with a Master's of Library Science, he joined the Brooklyn library in 1968. He was named Fiction Librarian in 1974.

He also wrote for The New Republic; reviewed films and fiction for Gaysweek, and was a columnist on pay television for CableVision magazine.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/17/obituaries/john-a-avant-librarian-48.html

Further Readings:

An Architectural Guidebook to Brooklyn by Francis Morrone and James Iska
Paperback: 481 pages
Publisher: Gibbs Smith (July 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1586850474
ISBN-13: 978-1586850470
Amazon: An Architectural Guidebook to Brooklyn

A sophisticated blend of ambience and attitude.

From cobblestones to churches, row houses, fishing boats, and tree-lined streets, Brooklyn boasts enriching public spaces and diversely beautiful landscapes.

The illustrious history of Brooklyn comes to life in this guide, which focuses on northern and central Brooklyn, including the oldest urbanized areas, the vast "brownstone belt," and some of the principal industrial areas.

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Tags: essayist: john a. avant, gay classics

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