The film began production in September 2008 when Dr Vincent Cornelisse decided to leave Brisbane and move to country Queensland in order to further his career. However, Vincent wouldn't do this without his partner, Jonathan Duffy.
Neither of the two had ever lived in a country town and were excited about the scene change but nervous about how they would be received.
A friend jokingly suggested that Jonathan should film their experience in case they were murdered. Jonathan decided to do this, not because he thought they would be in danger, because he believed that it was going to be a positive and enlightening journey.
The Doctor's Wife explores their journey through Jonathan's eyes and asks the question, "Would their experience be the same if Vincent wasn't the town Doctor?"
Official Selection Tropical Alternatives FIlm Festival 2011.
Official Selection Hollywood Fringe Festival [Film] 2011.
Official Selection Bent Fest Canberra 2011.
Official Selection Pride Queer Film Festival Perth 2011.
Official Selection Oregon Queer Film Festival 2012
Official Selection Mardi Gras Film Festival Sydney 2012
Recipient of the Rev. Ivor Holman's Memorial Keystone Award, Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association 2011.
Winner Award of Excellence in Filmmaking, Canada International Film Festival 2012.
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