elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Incongruent Angel (Liquid Sin) by Cherie Noel

I liked the story but I also felt like it was more an introduction than the whole, complete plot. Travis and Aaron are living together, but even if Travis is in love with Aaron, he is behaving more like a caretaker, a role he picked up after the death of his brother Timothy, who was friend and guardian angel of Aaron. There is a lot of Travis worrying about Aaron’s careless attitude towards sex, so much that I was expecting something was behind the corner and it was not good. Instead it’s Travis that suddenly needs Aaron’s assistance, and this brings the other man to admit his own feeling for the younger man.

Meanwhile there were two subplots, a young man with a talent for singing, and another very young man who really needs help, both of them well plotted, but remaining on a blossoming stage. Sure, this is a number 1 in a series, so I’m sure the author has more to come for both of them.

The story was cute, and no paranormal/fantasy elements the cover was suggesting; Timothy is a strong presence in the lives of Travis and Aaron, even if he is dead, but his is an emotional presence, the memory of someone who was important to both of them, and also to the family he left behind. Nothing really tragic happens to these guy, maybe since the tragedy of losing Timothy is already the maximum they can bear. So after that, and after a little bit of heart troubles, the author prefers to give them cute and sweet, and yes, also a little sexy.

Amazon Kindle: Incongruent Angel (Liquid Sin)
Publisher: The Rooster & The Pig Publishing (July 9, 2012)

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading+list&view=elisa.rolle

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Tags: author: cherie noel, genre: contemporary, length: novella, review, theme: show business, theme: virgins

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