elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Carsen Taite (born June 12)

Carsen Taite works by day (and sometimes night) as a criminal defense attorney in Dallas, Texas. Her goal as an author is to spin plot lines as interesting as the cases she encounters in her practice. Carsen is an active member of the GLBT community, participating in several organizations on both the local and state levels. Carsen is married (Canadian-style) and she and her spouse live near White Rock Lake in Dallas where they enjoy cycling and walking the trails with their fuzzy beasts. Her partner is artist Lainey Parker.

She is the author of five previously released novels, truelesbianlove.com, It Should be a Crime (a Lambda Literary Award finalist and recipient of a Lavender Certificate award from the Alice B. Readers), Do Not Disturb, Nothing but the Truth, and The Best Defense.

Her sixth novel, Slingshot, and 7th novel, Beyond Innocence, were released in 2012.

Her latest novel is Battle Axe (2013)

Further Readings:

Battle Axe by Carsen Taite
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books (May 14, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1602828717
ISBN-13: 978-1602828711
Amazon: Battle Axe
Amazon Kindle: Battle Axe

Bounty hunter Luca Bennett is back and so is a woman from her past, asking for favors. Unable to resist a woman in need, Luca barrels headlong into an intricate web of organized crime. Just when she thinks she’s found what she’s looking for, the stakes are raised and she learns she can trust no one.

While Luca tries to unravel the mystery related to her latest job, her personal life has its share of puzzles, from the enigmatic woman on the arm of her pal, police officer Jessica Chance, to a family reunion centered on an unlikely wedding. As her personal and professional lives collide, will Luca discover what she’s looking for is closer than she thinks?

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Tags: author: carsen taite, gay classics, persistent voices

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