elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2013 Rainbow Awards Submission: T.A. Webb - Second Chances

Second Chances by T.A. Webb
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 17, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1623800323
ISBN-13: 978-1623800321
Amazon: Second Chances
Amazon Kindle: Second Chances

Mark Jennings is at a crossroads. His finance job in the Atlanta nonprofit scene stresses him out, his mother is dying, and his relationship with Brian Jacobs has crashed and burned. He needs a distraction, some way to relax, and a massage seems like just the thing. He never expected his massage therapist, Antonio Roberto, to become his best friend.

Despite their differences-Antonio is a divorced single father-the two men forge a firm friendship that weathers Mark's reconciliation with Brian and Antonio's questionable taste in women. Over the years, Antonio remains constant in his support, though others in Mark's life come and go through a revolving door.

When a young boy runs away from the group home where he works, Mark finds another door opening. Through it all he holds on to the things his loved ones taught him-about family, about friends and lovers, about life and death. Most importantly, he realizes that sometimes the greatest gift of all is a second chance.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2013

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