elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2013 Rainbow Awards Submission: Grigory Ryzhakov - Becoming Agie

Becoming Agie by Grigory Ryzhakov
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 28, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 148029893X
ISBN-13: 978-1480298934
Amazon: Becoming Agie: The Adventure of a Russian transgender scientist entangled in fiction, romance and mystery
Amazon Kindle: Becoming Agie: The Adventure of a Russian transgender scientist entangled in fiction, romance and mystery

"Becoming Agie" consists of two novellas about a M->F transsexual scientist called Agie. In "Usher Syndrome" she opens her heart to someone who would accept her for what she is. But her destiny has other plans and Agie has to fight for her love in the most challenging and unexpected way. In "Pumpkin Day" Agie tries to solve a mysterious disappearance of a giant pumpkin into a cavern beneath Slown City. Meanwhile, a lonely, well-to-do man called Jake has to choose between courage and prejudice to pursue his love interest. A lost notebook brings the two lives together. "Usher Syndrome" was adapted for stage and performed at London’s Barons Court Theatre in 2010.

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Tags: rainbow awards 2013

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