elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Felicity Chandell (December 15, 1905 - June 23, 2008)

Felicity Chandell (aka John MacDonald Miller) was born Dec 15, 1905 in Poughkeepsie. He was a husband, father, jet pilot, and cross dresser living in the Hudson Valley. His arrest and termination from Eastern Airlines (1964) provides an interesting context. Felicity was convicted under Section 887, Sub 7, of the New York State Code of Criminal Procedure to the Appellate Term, First Department, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Felicity died Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at age 102.

Felicity Chandell's papers are held at The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in NYC. The Collection consists primarily of numerous individually titled "she-man" short story pamphlets from nine cross dressing publishers. The collection also includes correspondence, Society for the Second Self national directories, photographs, transvestite Tri-Ess directories (includes individual pictures of the sisters and contact instructions), newsletters, cross dressing clippings and comics, and some scholarly articles. The correspondence includes photo-copies of letters Felicity sent and attached responses, some with photos. Letters in collection are exchanges between a core group of five sisters (1980-1983). The collection represents an array of personal interest transvestite publications from 1960-1980s. Includes a small amount of information on the State of New York vs Felicity Chandell arrested on a charge of misrepresentation in 1964.

Source: http://www.gaycenter.org/community/archive/collection/087

Further Readings:

Blending Genders: Social Aspects of Cross-Dressing and Sex Changing by Richard Ekins & David King
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Routledge (December 22, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415115523
ISBN-13: 978-0415115520
Amazon: Blending Genders: Social Aspects of Cross-Dressing and Sex Changing

Considers the treatment of gender blenders by the medical framework, in literature, the press and telephone sex lines and examines its prominence in recent contemporary cultural and queer theory.

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Tags: eccentric: felicity chandell, gay classics

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