Written and directed by Wendy Jo Carlton (Hannah Free, Jamie & Jessie are Not Together) the show features Lisa Cordileone, Emily Shain, Fawzia Mirza and Haviland Stillwell.
Easy Abby is an emotionally poignant and refreshing series about flawed funny characters dealing with the complexities of love and lust. Season One will slowly reveal the reasons behind Abby’s cynical take on life.
The Season Finale package include Episodes 13&14, Behind the Scenes and Cast Interviews (35-45 minutes). Link to episodes:
Title of Episode: Easy Abby: Season One Finale "Chicago Free Fall"
Description of Episode: With little time left before Danielle leaves the country, Abby lets her guard down for a minute. Will she have the guts to tell Danielle how she really feels?
What Viewers Get For Their Money: The two-part season finale, PLUS exclusive behind the scenes footage, bloopers, and interviews with cast and crew!
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