And the ebook giveaway goes to: silverwingz888
Today author is Lily G. Blunt: Lily is an author of contemporary m/m romance and erotica. She has been writing for several years now, publishing short stories and fan-fiction on various blog sites under other pen names, and with the encouragement of her readers and friends, has only recently ventured into self-publishing. Her first book, “Happy Anniversary, Jasper”, is part of a series of heart-touching gay romance short stories.
Lily G. Blunt was born and raised in England. A former teacher, she taught primary-aged children for over twenty-five years. She is a wife, a mother of two children and an avid reader of m/m romance and erotica. She posts gay-themed videos on her YouTube and Vimeo channels.
A Darker Shade of Oxford Blue by Lily G Blunt
Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (May 18, 2013)
Language English
ISBN-10 1484960378
ISBN-13 978-1484960370
Amazon: A Darker Shade of Oxford Blue
Amazon Kindle: A Darker Shade of Oxford Blue
A Darker Shade of Oxford Blue - Set in Oxford, England, this sensual novel charts the developing relationship between Ethan Evans and Jason Birney—from their first encounter at the airport until Jason returns to the States three weeks later. The chapters are filled with a mixture of drama and angst as well as many sexually explicit scenes as the two young men become friends and lovers. Ethan is successful in his business life, but has been unlucky in love. This changes the moment he meets Jason—who has been asked to be a guest lecturer at Oxford University—and as they spend their first weekend sightseeing around Oxford, it is obvious the two are destined to be together. As they get to know each other, it becomes apparent that they went to the same school for a short while and now live in the same city. Ethan cannot recall seeing Jason before, but as the story progresses, Ethan realizes their meeting in Oxford may not be a coincidence after all.
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