elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Announcing new collaboration (NOT WORK SAFE)

Many of you know, since you have plenty enjoyed the beautiful "gifts" that he is sending me for the last two years, that I have the honor to be allowed to post Dylan Rosser's updatings to his male nude website, www.TheMaleForm.net, and the high quality magazine, tMf. Well, I accepted to be a content editor of the latter, basically I will have the hard task to look at beautiful pictures of naked men and think the best questions to ask the photographer... after I managed to clear my mind, that is. I have already completed my first job, and an extract of interview will be in the next tMf while I will post the full interview on my blog.

In the meantime, Dylan was so generous to send me some man candies ;-) I still think Dylan Rosser's work is among the best quality in male nude photography, but there are some of his new collaborators that have sparks of beauty in their work. I have already appreciated Ethan James in the past, and I have to say that Ian Fraser has caught my eyes too.

So, here you go... Enjoy! (and be aware of the Not Work Safe, do not click if you are faint hearts...)

Alfie by Dylan Rosser

Jacob by Dylan Rosser

Addison by Dylan Rosser

Matt S. by Dylan Rosser

AJ by Ethan James

Justin by Ethan James

Boyd by Ian Fraser

Jensen by Ian Fraser

Corey by Deon Jackson

Ed by Deon Jackson

Filip by Brenton Parry

James by Gert Kist

Marcos by Calvin Brockington

Sebastian by Calvin Brockington

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Tags: man candy

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