elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2013 Rainbow Awards Submission: Alicia Cameron - Inherent Gifts

Inherent Gifts: A Supernatural Slave Story by Alicia Cameron
Paperback: 474 pages
Publisher: ForbiddenFiction (February 24, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1622340914
ISBN-13: 978-1622340910
Amazon: Inherent Gifts: A Supernatural Slave Story
Amazon Kindle: Inherent Gifts: A Supernatural Slave Story

Life was never the same again after The Fall, especially for those born with certain gifts that set them apart from others. Gifts that doomed those like Wren to a life of slavery with no hope of escape or turned a man like Jere into an unwilling master. When a fiery tragedy brings Jere into Wren's life it becomes clear that this new master is like nobody else Wren has ever known. How does a slave protect himself from someone unpredictable? Can love really exist between master and slave, or will it destroy them both?

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Tags: rainbow awards 2013

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