elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

The Nine-Inch Cure for the Blues by Keegan Kennedy

This was a new author for me, and sincerely I didn’t know what to expect, and as usually, when you take a chance, good surprises can be right there for you to grab. The Nine-Inch Cure for the Blues is pure p**n, but the best one, that is, with an happily ever after, or at least, an happily for now. The Nine-Inch cure is not a metaphor, it’s actually what the title suggest, the “tool” of country boy Beau and the one he will use to let Jeremy completely forget the other smaller, and less skillful, tool of Scott. Jeremy is still very young, in college, and still much in love with his high school buddy. Both of them in the closet, Scott decided to take the easy way of finding a dumb fiancé and probably get soon married with 2.5 kids, while Jeremy is still bringing a torch for him, hoping he will see the light. But one night, it will be Jeremy that will see the light, in a deserted highway, with the only gas station open that of Beau.

The story is crude, sometime even vulgar, and full of licks, man pussies, big tools, stretchings, and co… sound not my cup of tea, right? Right, if not that the author chose to give a spark of hope, a possible relationship to these two strangers meeting on a dark night, and to the reader the hope that Jeremy will finally have his love story. And if it will not be Beau, at least Beau has proven him what a jerk Scott is, and that it’s time for Jeremy to move over, that better tools are waiting him!

Amazon Kindle: The Nine-Inch Cure for the Blues
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle

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Tags: genre: contemporary, length: short story, review, theme: bondage submission

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