The reason why I decided to look at them is that I noticed an "interest" on my various websites/accounts, people asking to post advertisements, my Livejournal ranking (at today) 44 on, listen listen, more than 26 million journals; a notice from Goodreads that I was on the 1% best reviewers, but that 1% counted like thousands of people, until I actually went and saw that on the (world) Top Reviewers list I'm n° 15; and of course I'm still on the Top1000 Reviewers list on Amazon.
So I decided to collect all my statistics, Livejournal gives you the stats if you have a paid account, you can activate Google Analytics on Dreamwidth and I have the native statistics on the server hosting my website. I decided to post the result cause, well, I found out that in June I reached quite an awesome, and unexpected, target, something that I still am looking and looking with awe, more than 300.000 visit per month! meaning more than 10.000 visit per day! O_O really, I'm still in shock!
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