elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2013 Rainbow Awards Submission: Jessica Freely - Dharma Cafe

Dharma Cafe by Jessica Freely
Paperback: 286 pages
Publisher: Loose Id, LLC (December 12, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1611188342
ISBN-13: 978-1611188349
Amazon: Dharma Cafe
Amazon Kindle: Dharma Cafe

Welcome to the Dharma Café, a restaurant like no other. There is no menu. The waiter, Samura, uses mystical powers to read what each customer needs, and the cook, Agatha, prepares the food with ingredients like love, hope, and courage.

The café is a refuge for the new busboy, Charlie, who was kicked out of home on his eighteenth birthday. Irresistibly drawn to Samura, Charlie soon discovers that the stern, formal waiter harbors a heartbreaking past and a dangerous secret.

Samura lives in fear that one day, the darkness inside him will burst forth to destroy all he loves. Now that includes brash, infuriating, delectable Charlie, who has broken through all Samura's defenses and taught him to trust himself.

Just when Samura thinks it might be safe to reveal the truth, his worst nightmare walks back into his life: His father, Akio, the evil food sorcerer who runs the burger stand on the other side of town. Akio's business is expanding and he wants his son to manage his new location, where the Dharma Café now stands.

It will take the combined resources of an ancient cook, a novice dishwasher, and a cursed waiter to fight Akio and protect the café. But when Samura succumbs to Akio's magic, will it be enough?

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Tags: rainbow awards 2013

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