I remember her since she was one of the first author I read, I still have her first version of Day of Reckoning from Forbidden Publications, a short story she then republished with Loveyoudivine. Another story I liked is Pure Artistry, in the Men Anthology always at Loveyoudivine.
For me she will always be the author that made me discover Loveyoudivine, when I stopped by that publisher, if I hadn't found her name, I would have never bought anything. Instead, thank to her, I found other authors, like Nix Winter and Ryan Field, but also Jon Michaelsen and Bryn Colvin.
There is not many info on her on the net, this is what I found on the backcover of one of her books: Carol McKenzie was born and raised in Illinois. Through her twenties, thirties and part of her forties she lived in California, Texas, Montana, Washington and Colorado. She then she moved back to her home state of Illinois. She planned to stay there with her husband and Jack Russell terrier.
She enjoyed rendering artwork, sewing, quilt making and playing Civilization IV. On any given day, she dutifully worked at her computer typing up a new erotic romance story. She wrote interracial, contemporary, historical and alternative lifestyle fiction. If she had properly accomplished her goals, all her stories contained hot sex scenes.
What I know is that she left a cherished impression on people who knew her, so much that they are grieving now for her loss.
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