elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Best B/T & LGBT Contemporary Fiction, Mystery / Thriller, Contemporary & Historical Romance

And the Rainbow Award goes to:

1. Laura Antoniou - The Killer Wore Leather

This is the best mystery - the best novel - I've read in ages. The plot is developed flawlessly. What more can I say? I never can guess the murderer in murder mysteries (and don't spend much time on trying to do so), but the natural development of the case against the actual killer was wonderful, and actually left me guessing until the killer's confession. (Chuck)
My absolute favorite and one of the best books I read this year. This book has everything I love: wit, a world of characters, each of them unique, a great setting. While I was reading, I felt like I was at the movies, the words creating images before my eyes and I, a spectator full of wonder. It conquered me. (Emanuela)
Well, this one was interesting. I'm not a huge fan of mysteries and don't read them much and surely don't recall reading any story set in THAT kind of environment. It was clear that the author knows what she's writing about – something so many books lack... (Caroline)

Runners Up:

2. Vincent Meis - Down in Cuba
3. Julian Griffith - Love Continuance and Increasing

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Tags: author: julian griffith, author: vincent meis, rainbow awards 2013

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