"When the Leaves turn Yellow" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"In Camera Caritatis" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"Love Possesses Not" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"A Soul Enchanted" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"And So It Goes" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"New Beginning" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
"I am at One with Myself" by Jorn Mobius (Watercolour)
Jorn Mobius has worked as an artist in Denmark, Germany and the United States. His paintings are in many collections including those of Billy Joel and Jeff Bridges.
More Artists at my website: http://www.elisarolle.com/, My Ramblings/Art
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