elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Ruven Afanador: Not only a Fashion Photographer

Ruven Afanador is born and raised in Colombia and owes very much to Italian cinema and the glamour of Italian fashion catwalks in Milan. A very appreciated fashion photographer, in 2000 he received the title of "Best Photographer of the Year" in Paris.

Ruven Afanador is considered one of the leading photographers working in celebrity and fashion photography. His work appears in most major fashion magazines in the world as well as in The New Yorker. His commercial clients include Arista, Cacharel, Christian Dior, Elektra et al.

Noel Pardo, Bogota, Colombia

Noel Pardo, Bogota, Colombia

Noel Pardo, Bogota, Colombia

Noel Pardo, Bogota, Colombia

Cristobal Pardo Jr., Bogota, Colombia.jpg

Eduardo Gallo Espinosa, "El Gallo", Salamanca, Spain

Ramiro Cadena Payan, Madrid, Spain

Ramiro Cadena Payan, Madrid, Spain

Jose Manuel Hernandez Zamorano, Salamanca, Spain

Fabian Barba Rivas, Mexico City, Mexico

Emilio Jose Chamon Ortega, Madrid, Spain

Salvador Ruano Sanchon, Salamanca, Spain

Miguel Angel Gomez, Lima, Peru

Matias Tejela Correa, Madrid, Spain

Leonardo, Mexico City, Mexico

Diego Vega Garcia, "Veguita", Madrid, Spain

Alfredo Covilla, "El Rubio de San Diego", Bogota, Colombia

Alejandro Parralo Ginebrosa, Madrid, Spain

Jose Luis Pintado Martinez, Madrid, Spain

In the fall of 2001, a decade after his work first began attracting widespread attention, he published his first book, Torero. Within a year Torero sold out and became a collector’s item within the fashion world. Even if I'm not so fond of bullfight and any other "sport" where an animal dies, I can't deny that there is poetry in Afanador's pictures.

Amazon: Torero

Sombra, a collection of male nudes inspired by still life tableaus, was published by Merrell in 2004.

Amazon: Sombra

Ursula Lopez Lopez, "Cantera", Outside of Sevilla, Spain

Rosario Montoya Manzano, "La Farruca", Sevilla, Spain

Eva Maria Garrido Garcia Yerbabuena, Outskirts of Sevilla, Spain

Mil Besos (1000 Kisses), his latest photobook, was released in 2009.

Amazon: Mil Besos: 1000 Kisses


More Photographers at my website: http://www.elisarolle.com/, My Ramblings/Art

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