I just wanted to let you know this year's poll is underway! It's at
as usual.
Vote for your favorite book, short story, author, artwork, artist, forum, workshop...-- there are three dozen categories honoring all genres and all aspects of writing and publishing.
As in past years, every voter is registered in a drawing for gifts from our sponsors. Sponsor ReAnimus Press is also conducting a drawing for a free kindle that may interest you (the link is on the voting pages).
So please come share with us what great works you've read this year, what authors, publishers, editors, artists and the like you feel are worth recognition!
With best wishes for the holidays,
--Andrew Burt, P&E Readers Poll Votemaster
Last year I was under Review Sites and always did well :-)
This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/3984545.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.