Maybe that was also what Tom, the new recruit, saw, other than the hot hunky exterior, that was in any case a good sight. It’s obvious that Tom has a problematic relationship with his own father, so I don’t exclude he is projecting a little on Eric, seeing him like a protective fatherly figure; sure, Eric is attractive enough, that is also a factor to take into account, but the immediate attraction, and the deep connection they have is well beyond the good looks of Eric. At the same time, I don’t exclude that Eric is searching in Tom his lost family, the feeling of being welcomed back at home, someone with whom he can relax and enjoy the second youth he is experimenting right now, cause he did pretty much screwed the first one he had.
Series: Uniform Encounters
Paperback: 188 pages
Publisher: Total-E-Bound Publishing (May 24, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1781846030
ISBN-13: 978-1781846032
Amazon: Set Ablaze (Uniform Encounters) (Volume 1)
Amazon Kindle: Set Ablaze (Uniform Encounters) (Volume 1)
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