elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

The Nik of Time (Assassin/Shifters) by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

That of Nik and Colin was almost a “known” story from my perception, having read books in this series up and down and around this specific one. I’m actually missing one important piece for this perspective, that of Andrej, one of Nik’s father, and how and when he separated from Vince, cause at the beginning of The Nik of Time they are happy together, and very much in love. I remember I read Vince and Keegan’s story, and I know Andrej found love with Devin, but I haven’t read his story. I think I want to.

Anyway, Nik and Colin’s was a refreshing perspective; they met when Colin was 4 and Nik a newborn baby, and they fell in love, with much amusement of their respective fathers. There is even a familiar connection cause Nik’s surrogate mother is the same of Colin’s sister, so in a way, they are relative, if not blood-ones. But then Nik went through a traumatic experience and he lost all memories of the past, and with them, also Colin. He built a separate life, he had relationships, until the day he meets Colin again, and everything crushes upon him: he knows Colin is the love of his life, the problem is he doesn’t remember him. And Colin, who was waiting for Nik (yes, in every way, also sexual) is upset that Nik instead didn’t.

Even if there was the usual crash-boom-bang of assassins, shifters, Italian an Russian mafia, and some other deadly organization, I mostly enjoy the young and somewhat sweet love of Nik and Colin. My favorite parts were those of them at college, and I wanted more of them with their family. The first part, with them as children, was really nice, very cute and tender.

Series: Assassin/Shifters
Paperback: 324 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 9, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1482722925
ISBN-13: 978-1482722925
Amazon: The Nik of Time (Assassin/Shifters)
Amazon Kindle: The Nik of Time (Assassin/Shifters)

Series: Assassin/Shifter
1) A Marked Man: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1866493.html
2) Alaska, with Love: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1878006.html
3) By the Light of the Moon
4) Half Moon Rising
5) Best Laid Plans
6) For the Love of Caden
7) The General’s Lover
8) Russian Prey: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1737908.html
9) An Ignited Passion: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1777760.html
10) Reflash: elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/2788763.html
11) The Red Zone: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/2251976.html
12) Irish Wishes: elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/2319427.html
13) Pleading the Fifth: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/2130301.html
14) Betrayed
15) Summer of Awakenings
16) Into the Lyons Den
17) The Nik of Time

More Reviews by Author at my website: http://www.elisarolle.com/, My Reviews

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Tags: author: sandrine gasq-dion, genre: paranormal, length: novel, review, theme: college, theme: shapeshifters, theme: virgins

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