elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

William Jack Sibley

William Jack Sibley's first novel ANY KIND OF LUCK was published by Kensington in 2001. It was nominated for a Lambda award (Best Romance), The Texas Institute of Letters "Funniest Book of the Year" John Bloom Award and the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year. His play MORTALLY FINE was produced Off-Broadway and numerous of his screenplays have been optioned by such directors and actors as John Schlesinger, Arthur Hiller and Diane Ladd. His writing has appeared in the UTNE READER, HALLMARK MAGAZINE, BRILLIANT MAGAZINE, THE SAN ANTONIO CURRENT, THE ORLANDO WEEKLY, THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD, HERITAGE MAGAZINE, TEXAS CO-OP MAGAZINE, THE DEAD MULE ("A Journal of Southern Literature"), FLYING COLORS, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES MAGAZINE and THE NEW YORK NATIVE. In addition to screenwriting, playwrighting and journalism Sibley is a fifth generation Texan who oversees his family's ranching operations in South Texas.

Further Readings:

Any Kind Of Luck by William Jack Sibley
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Kensington (July 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0758202555
ISBN-13: 978-0758202550
Amazon: Any Kind Of Luck

Mere moments after his arrival in his rural hometown of Grit, Texas with Chris, his laid-back lover, Manhattan hand model Clu Latimore is up to his stylish cut in problems that include caring for his dying mother and her pack of prize-inning Chihuahuas - and, of course, initiating the incredulous Chris into the reality of life in the land of blue bonnets, barbecue and Baptists. But just when Clu's all but ruled out suicide, along comes his former piano teacher and Grit's answer to Brooke Astor, Miss Oveta Canfield. She intends to transform the Espinosa County Livestock Barn into a dinner theatre, and recruits Clu to direct a country-western version of Agamemnon. Before Clu's odyssey is over, there will be a wedding, a birth, a funeral and, of course, a no-holds-barred production of Agamemnon - The Musical. Convinced he's seen everything, Clu can't help wondering how long a couple of gay New Yorkers can possibly survive in a dry country crawling with Bible thumpers, fire ants and temptation in the last place they ever expected to find it...

More Spotlights at my website: www.elisarolle.com/, My Lists/Gay Novels

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Tags: author: william jack sibley, in the spotlight

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