elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

UK GLBTQ Fiction Meet: Joanna Chambers

Starting from March up until June I will feature authors attending the UK GLBTQ Meet in Bristol (June 7 & 8, 2014: ukglbtfictionmeet.co.uk/2014-registration/2014-attendees/).

Today author is Joanna Chambers: Joanna Chambers always wanted to write. She spent over 20 years staring at blank sheets of paper and despairing of ever writing a single word. In between staring at blank sheets of paper, she studied law, met her husband and had two children. Whilst nursing her first child, she rediscovered her love of romance and found her muse. Joanna lives in Scotland with her family and finds time to write by eschewing sleep and popular culture.
Website: http://joannachambers.com/

Joanna Chambers is offering a copy of Beguiled to one commenter on this blog. You can comment on LJ or DW if you have an account (I will send a PM to the winner), if you don't have an account, please leave a comment on DW with a contact email.

Beguiled (Enlightenment) by Joanna Chambers
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd. (December 24, 2013)
Amazon Kindle: Beguiled (Enlightenment)

A fleeting pleasure is the sweetest seduction…

Enlightenment, Book 2

David Lauriston couldn’t be less interested in King George IV’s first visit to Edinburgh. But with Faculty of Advocates members required to put on a minimal show of patriotism, David makes an appointment with his tailor for a new set of clothes—only to run into a man he hasn’t seen for two long years.

Lord Murdo Balfour.

Much has changed since their bitter parting, except their stormy attraction. And when Murdo suggests they enjoy each other’s company during his stay, David finds himself agreeing. After all, it’s only a temporary tryst.

Amidst the pomp and ceremony of the King’s visit, Murdo’s seduction is more powerful than David ever imagined possible. But when other figures from David’s past show up, he is drawn into a chain of events beyond his control. Where his determination to help a friend will break his body, threaten his career, and put at risk the fragile tenderness he’s found in Murdo’s arms.

This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4290497.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: author: joanna chambers, giveaway, uk glbt fiction meet

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