The Fall Guide by Talya Andor
Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (December 4, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1620042932
ISBN-13: 978-1620042939
Amazon: The Fall Guide
Amazon Kindle: The Fall Guide
Eric is a popular beauty blogger, and hopes to use the momentum of that to start his own business selling makeup for men-but his first attempt to launch makes it painfully clear he has a lot to learn and a long way to go. Unexpected help comes in the form of Devon: Gorgeous, successful, and far too smooth. He is everything Eric would like to be, all the things Eric is starting to fear he'll never achieve, and the success that Eric is striving for in both his professional and personal life is jeopardized by Devon's inability to understand that business and pleasure shouldn't mix, because they can have disastrous results for both.
Charities Donation program progress:
25$ Lost-n-Found Youth:
25$ PFLAG:
25$ YouthCare:
30$ Covenant:
50$ Wes for Youth:
50$ Lambda Legal:
75$ Point Foundation:
75$ CARE:
108$ COLORS:
132$ Galop:
150$ Cancer Research Institute:
160$ UCAN:
225$ SAGE:
400$ Ali Forney Center:
TOTAL: 1530$*
* more than 150$ is a direct donation from a supporter of the Rainbow Awards who isn't submitting; while some authors were more than generous, arriving to donate 5 times the suggested amount, being the submission fee a non mandatory and voluntary direct donation, we were struggling to raise the same amount as last year and there is who decided to cover part of it. I thank you for all you are doing, and if you wish to donate to the above links, please drop me a note with your donation and I will update the total.
2014 Rainbow Awards Guidelines:
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