elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2014 Rainbow Awards Submission: Run for the Roses

Gay Contemporary Romance
Run for the Roses by Elizabeth Noble
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press; 1 edition (May 1, 2014)
Amazon Kindle: Run for the Roses

Wanting to end his pattern of choosing controlling and abusive men, Vladimir ‘Val’ Mihalic figures it’s better to live alone than live in fear. Just when things are settling down—his biggest trouble recently is a Kentucky Derby hopeful that won’t load into a starting gate—his best friend Janelle’s violent ex-boyfriend kidnaps her. After she’s seriously injured in a car wreck, Wyatt Harig, Janelle’s estranged father, comes around to tend to his daughter. Despite Val’s determination to avoid relationships, Wyatt interests him in ways that make his resolve waver. As complications and repercussions pile on in the aftermath of Janelle’s kidnapping—including a gambling charge and a murder—Wyatt and Val must work together to seek answers. And the closer they get to each other, the more Val wants them to stay that way.

Charities Donation program progress:
25$ YouthCare: www.youthcare.org/
25$ PFLAG: community.pflag.org/
25$ Lancaster LGBT Center: http://www.centralpalgbtcenter.org/
25$ Odyssey Youth Center: www.odysseyyouth.org/
25$ Inland Northwest LGBT Center: www.thelgbtcenter.org/
30$ Covenant: www.covenanthouseno.org/
50$ Wes for Youth: wesforyouth.privacemail.com/
50$ Lambert House: www.lamberthouse.org/
50$ Moveable Feast: http://www.mfeast.org/
50$ The Trevor Project: www.thetrevorproject.org/
50$ Ruth Ellis Center: http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
75$ CARE: careprogram.org/
110$ Lambda Legal: www.lambdalegal.org/
150$ Point Foundation: www.pointfoundation.org/
160$ UCAN: www.ucanchicago.org/
275$ Galop: www.galop.org.uk/
287$ Lost-n-Found Youth: www.lost-n-found.org/
338$ COLORS: www.colorsyouth.org/
400$ SAGE: giveto.sageusa.org/
510$ Ali Forney Center: www.aliforneycenter.org/
635$ Other Funds
TOTAL: 3345$*

* more than 150$ is a direct donation from a supporter of the Rainbow Awards who isn't submitting; while some authors were more than generous, arriving to donate 5 times the suggested amount, being the submission fee a non mandatory and voluntary direct donation, we were struggling to raise the same amount as last year and there is who decided to cover part of it. I thank you for all you are doing, and if you wish to donate to the above links, please drop me a note with your donation and I will update the total.

2014 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4162490.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2014

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