She is also a lawyer. We don't talk about that.
Her superpowers are all crayon-related.
Shell Game won a 2013 Rainbow Award as Best Lesbian Fantasy.
Further Readings:
Shell Game by Benny Lawrence
Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company (July 2, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939562082
ISBN-13: 978-1939562081
Amazon: Shell Game
Amazon Kindle: Shell Game
Life in a remote fishing village in the middle of a civil war is neither safe nor inspiring. So, when an opportunity comes along for village girl Lynn to be kidnapped and enslaved by Darren, a ruthless pirate queen, she takes full advantage of it. But Darren is neither as ruthless nor as piratical as she appears at first glance--and Lynn's not exactly what she seems to be, either. In between encounters with old girlfriends, a slow death involving marmalade, and bounty hunters with no sense of humor, Lynn and her new mistress attempt to work out exactly what they are to each other--and who's in charge.
More Rainbow Awards at my website:, Rainbow Awards/2013
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