elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Benny Lawrence (born May 17, 1983)

Benny Lawrence (or "Zipplic" to her online peeps) was not born, but created in a freak accident involving a Hadron supercollider, a plaid raincoat, an original edition of C.W. Ceram's Gods, Graves, and Scholars, and a nice hot cup of tea. She now roams the streets of Toronto by night, fighting the forces of evil by correcting their grammar until they scream and implode. In her spare time, she writes books. She sometimes wears hats, too.

She is also a lawyer. We don't talk about that.

Her superpowers are all crayon-related.

Shell Game won a 2013 Rainbow Award as Best Lesbian Fantasy.

Source: www.bennylawrence.com/about/

Further Readings:

Shell Game by Benny Lawrence
Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company (July 2, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939562082
ISBN-13: 978-1939562081
Amazon: Shell Game
Amazon Kindle: Shell Game

Life in a remote fishing village in the middle of a civil war is neither safe nor inspiring. So, when an opportunity comes along for village girl Lynn to be kidnapped and enslaved by Darren, a ruthless pirate queen, she takes full advantage of it. But Darren is neither as ruthless nor as piratical as she appears at first glance--and Lynn's not exactly what she seems to be, either. In between encounters with old girlfriends, a slow death involving marmalade, and bounty hunters with no sense of humor, Lynn and her new mistress attempt to work out exactly what they are to each other--and who's in charge.

More Rainbow Awards at my website: www.elisarolle.com/, Rainbow Awards/2013

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Tags: author: benny lawrence, rainbow awards 2013

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