elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Blog Tour: Apollo's Curse by Brad Vance

Apollo’s Curse by Brad Vance
Paperback: 282 pages
Publisher: Brad Vance Erotica (May 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1499332599
ISBN-13: 978-1499332599
Amazon: Apollo's Curse
Amazon Kindle: Apollo's Curse

All Dane Gale ever wanted was to be a successful writer. Then he and his friends Rose and Sherry decide to write romances, and join forces to become "Pamela Clarice," self-published novelist. When they look for a cover model for their first book, Dane sees the photos that will change his life.

Dane soon finds himself obsessed with Paul Musegetes, a popular but secretive cover model. Then he meets Paul at the Romance Writers' Ball on the Summer Solstice, and they connect for one night of passion.

After that night, Dane's a writing machine, and every story he touches turns to gold. But he can't write anything but romances - one after another after another...

But this Midas touch has a heavy price. After the next Summer Solstice, he'll never write again. Nothing. Not even a grocery list. That gives him no choice but to find Paul, and break the curse. But to do that, he'll have to track down Paul's equally mysterious photographer, Jackson da Vinci...


It wasn’t hard to find Paul again. And to find the “other images with this model” link. And click. And click. And blow up my browser window to 200%, so that when I zoomed the photos, his face, then his eyes, filled my screen.
And what surprised me was that there were not only so many images of him, but that he could be so many different men in so many different pictures, different settings – he was the tender lover with the rose, the snarling Viking, the cool guy in a band, the Miami Beach tool, the shifter/werewolf, the business man, the college kid, the gym rat, the outdoorsman, the poet, the drill sergeant, the soccer player, the swimmer… As I looked at each picture, I was totally convinced that I was looking at the real man, that that was who he really was…until I looked at the next.
And yet, always, he was clearly recognizably himself – Paul. It was those eyes, reminding you that he was in there, somewhere, behind the image, and you’d never know which one he really was, he was all of them, he was whoever you wanted him to be…

Author Bio: Brad Vance is a popular author of gay romances, including the best selling novel, "Given the Circumstances." He blogs at http://bradvanceerotica.wordpress.com, and can be reached at BradVanceErotica@Gmail.com.
Author Links: https://www.facebook.com/brad.vance.10 https://www.facebook.com/brad.vance.10 https://plus.google.com/u/1/+BradVance/about
Twitter: @BradVanceAuthor

Tour Dates: 6/2 – 6/13
Tour Stops:
June 2: Prism Book Alliance, Dawn’s Reading Nook
June 3: Kimi-Chan
June 4: Elisa Rolle, Nephylim, Up All Night, Read All Day
June 5: Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves
June 6: MM Good Books, Jane Wallace-Knight
June 9: Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
June 10: Amanda C. Stone, Fallen Angel Reviews
June 11: Gay Guy Reading, Jade Crystal, My Fiction Nook, Talon SO
June 12: Love Bytes, It’s Raining Men
June 13: The Novel Approach, The Hat Party

Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rafflecopter Prize: 10 copies of ‘Apollo’s Curse’ ebook

This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4353096.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: excerpt, giveaway, news release

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