elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2014 Rainbow Awards Submission: No Boundaries

Lesbian Contemporary Romance
No Boundaries by Donna K. Ford
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books (May 6, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1626390606
Amazon: No Boundaries
Amazon Kindle: No Boundaries

Andi Massey lives a secluded life in rural Tennessee. Since a brutal attack, she has avoided emotional connections. She is certain she has nothing left to offer anyone, but secretly wishes her life could be different.

Gwen Palmer has never been afraid to go after what she wants. Betrayed and tired of meaningless sex, she leaves her roots in the big city, seeking the quiet and peace of the mountains. The last thing she wants is another emotionally distant relationship.

Andi and Gwen find that small town life has a way of bringing them together whether they like it or not. But all may be lost when Andi comes face-to-face with her past and the man who has vowed to destroy everything she loves. Can Andi and Gwen overcome their past hurts and fears—as well as present dangers—and accept love without boundaries?

Charities Donation program progress:
143$ Albert Kennedy Trust: http://www.akt.org.uk/
840$ Ali Forney Center: www.aliforneycenter.org/
75$ CARE: careprogram.org/
100$ The Center Colorado: http://www.glbtcolorado.org/
372$ COLORS: www.colorsyouth.org/
30$ Covenant: www.covenanthouseno.org/
75$ Diversity Role Models: http://www.diversityrolemodels.org/
317$ Galop: www.galop.org.uk/
150$ GLYS: http://www.glyswny.org/
50$ Huntsville GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services: http://www.glbtays.org/
75$ Inland Northwest LGBT Center: www.thelgbtcenter.org/
210$ Lambda Legal: www.lambdalegal.org/
50$ Lambert House: www.lamberthouse.org/
50$ Lancaster LGBT Center: http://www.centralpalgbtcenter.org/
437$ Lost-n-Found Youth: www.lost-n-found.org/
130$ Moveable Feast: http://www.mfeast.org/
25$ Odyssey Youth Center: www.odysseyyouth.org/
25$ Out Youth: outyouth.org/
50$ PFLAG: community.pflag.org/
175$ Point Foundation: www.pointfoundation.org/
75$ Ruth Ellis Center: http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
550$ SAGE: giveto.sageusa.org/
25$ Terrence Higgins Trust: www.tht.org.uk/
230$ The Trevor Project: www.thetrevorproject.org/
160$ UCAN: www.ucanchicago.org/
25$ WayGay: http://www.waygay.org/
50$ YouthCare: www.youthcare.org/
897$ Other Funds
TOTAL: 5391$*

* more than 150$ is a direct donation from a supporter of the Rainbow Awards who isn't submitting; while some authors were more than generous, arriving to donate 5 times the suggested amount, being the submission fee a non mandatory and voluntary direct donation, we were struggling to raise the same amount as last year and there is who decided to cover part of it. I thank you for all you are doing, and if you wish to donate to the above links, please drop me a note with your donation and I will update the total.

2014 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4162490.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2014

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