elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Dare to Act by Leigh Ellwood

I was surprised by the romance, I was somewhat expecting it to be more erotic tinged. Not that there isn't the erotism, on the contrary, most of the sex scenes are quite explicit, and Parker is no shrienking violet, having a one night stand encounter right at the beginning of the story, and bedding Luke at their first "unofficial" date; but the turn to romance soon happens, and indeed Parker asks to go for the full courtship route, asking Luke out for an official, and old fashioned, date, and behaving like a courteous admirer, including ignoring possible "distractions" once he sets his mind, and heart, on Luke.

The show business theme is one I do like, and the author played this one in a good way, having enough of the common trick (the red carpet walk, the gossiping media, the public declaration), but always maintaining the "play" in the intimate setting where everything started between Parker and Luke; in this way I had the feeling their love was safe, sheltered by the love of their friends and families.

Parker is also a good character, he is not openly gay, but he is not even denying his interest for Luke: I suppose Parker is bisexual, and till Luke he has never really fell in love; once he does, he is ready and willing to go for it.

Publisher: Ravenous Romance (August 1, 2012)
Amazon Kindle: Dare to Act

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Tags: author: leigh ellwood, genre: contemporary, length: novel, review, theme: show business

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