elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

GayRomLit Retreat: L.C. Chase

Starting from March up until September I will feature authors attending the GayRomLit Retreat in Chicago (October 16-19, 2014: http://gayromlit.com/grl-authors).

Today author is L.C. Chase:
Cover artist by day, romance author by night, L.C. Chase is a hopeless romantic and adventure seeker. After a decade of road tripping on three continents, she now calls the Canadian West Coast home. When not writing tales of beautiful men falling love, L.C. can be found designing book covers of said beautiful men, reading, drawing, hiking the trails with her goofy four-legged buddy who, if he were human, would be a stand up comedian, and [giving in to] fighting her root beer addiction.
Website: http://www.lcchase.com

L.C. Chase is offering a copy of Let It Ride to one commenter on this blog. You can comment on LJ or DW if you have an account (I will send a PM to the winner), if you don't have an account, please leave a comment on DW with a contact email.

Let It Ride (Pickup Men) (Volume 2) by L.C. Chase
Series: Pickup Men
Paperback: 170 pages
Publisher: Riptide Publishing (May 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1626491488
ISBN-13: 978-1626491489
Amazon: Let It Ride (Pickup Men)
Amazon Kindle: Let It Ride (Pickup Men)

Pickup man Bridge Sullivan is the kind of cowboy everyone wants—as a brother, a friend, a lover. People think he’s straight, but Bridge isn’t one for labels, and when a sexy male paramedic jumpstarts his heart, he charges in with all guns blazing.

New York City transplant Eric Palmer grew up in foster care. While he always had a roof over his head, he never felt love or a sense of belonging . . . until he joined the California rodeo circuit as a paramedic and found a band of brothers who took him in as one of their own. Now, one in particular is making Eric’s pulse race.

When things heat up between Bridge and Eric, Bridge has to prove to Eric he’s not just experimenting with the rougher sex, while Eric must overcome his fears of being unwanted and cast aside. He knows that trusting Bridge may be the key to his happy ever after, but getting in the saddle is much, much easier than learning to let it ride.

This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4392070.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: author: l.c. chase, gayromlit, giveaway

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