elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

2014 Rainbow Awards Submission: Unbound

Gay Erotic Romance
Shameful Desires 3: Unbound by P.J. Proud
Paperback: 274 pages
Publisher: Fanny Press (March 15, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160381518X
ISBN-13: 978-1603815185
Amazon: Shameful Desires 3: Unbound
Amazon Kindle: Shameful Desires 3: Unbound

Jeremy Piper’s life has come full circle, and he’s happier than he’s ever been. He’s living with his Master, actor Andre Jackson, embracing his submissive nature, and planning for their wedding. His newest novel is being made into a movie, with Andre as the star. Although Andre can’t reveal that he is gay and involved with Jeremy without risking his career, they are thrilled to be working together. Until the handsome young actor co-starring with Andre sets his sights on Jeremy. Unlike Andre, David is totally out and proud, and he’s still getting romantic leads. One misunderstanding leads to another, and Jeremy is forced to take desperate measures to make things right with his Master. Will Andre and Jeremy ever learn to trust each other and what they have together? Will they ever be able to live without hiding, without fear that others will discover their shameful desires? Shameful Desires 3: Unbound is the final episode of the Shameful Desires trilogy.

Charities Donation program progress:
328$ Albert Kennedy Trust: http://www.akt.org.uk/
990$ Ali Forney Center: www.aliforneycenter.org/
50$ Audre Lorde Project: http://alp.org/
25$ BiNet US: http://www.binetusa.org/
125$ CARE: careprogram.org/
125$ The Center Colorado: http://www.glbtcolorado.org/
25$ LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland: http://www.lgbtcleveland.org/
476$ COLORS: www.colorsyouth.org/
80$ Covenant: www.covenanthouseno.org/
75$ Diversity Role Models: http://www.diversityrolemodels.org/
25$ The Diversity Center: http://diversitycenter.org/
317$ Galop: www.galop.org.uk/
150$ GLYS: http://www.glyswny.org/
135$ Human Rights Campaign: http://www.hrc.org/
50$ Huntsville GLBT Advocacy & Youth Services: http://www.glbtays.org/
100$ It Gets Better: http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
100$ Inland Northwest LGBT Center: www.thelgbtcenter.org/
235$ Lambda Legal: www.lambdalegal.org/
50$ Lambert House: www.lamberthouse.org/
50$ Lancaster LGBT Center: http://www.centralpalgbtcenter.org/
50$ LEAP: http://www.glbtleap.org/
512$ Lost-n-Found Youth: www.lost-n-found.org/
50$ MKE LGBT Center: www.mkelgbt.org/
130$ Moveable Feast: http://www.mfeast.org/
25$ Odyssey Youth Center: www.odysseyyouth.org/
25$ Out Youth: outyouth.org/
25$ Pathfinders: pathfindersmke.org/
150$ PFLAG: community.pflag.org/
175$ Point Foundation: www.pointfoundation.org/
100$ Ruth Ellis Center: http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
650$ SAGE: giveto.sageusa.org/
25$ Terrence Higgins Trust: www.tht.org.uk/
455$ The Trevor Project: www.thetrevorproject.org/
160$ UCAN: www.ucanchicago.org/
25$ WayGay: http://www.waygay.org/
200$ You Can Play: http://youcanplayproject.org/
75$ YouthCare: www.youthcare.org/
997$ Other Funds
TOTAL: 7340$*

* more than 150$ is a direct donation from a supporter of the Rainbow Awards who isn't submitting; while some authors were more than generous, arriving to donate 5 times the suggested amount, being the submission fee a non mandatory and voluntary direct donation, we were struggling to raise the same amount as last year and there is who decided to cover part of it. I thank you for all you are doing, and if you wish to donate to the above links, please drop me a note with your donation and I will update the total.

2014 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4162490.html

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Tags: rainbow awards 2014

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