elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Butterfly Hunter by Julie Bozza

This was a really sweet romance, with just that touch of kinky to make it sexy: Nicholas Goring, the butterfly hunter earling, may have, most of the time, his head on a cloud, but when he manage to tack down Dave, then he becomes like a little tiger, tenacious and hungry, overwhelming Dave with his desire.

There was an hint of bittersweet in the story, something related to Nicholas's "condition", the son of an earl, when his family butler agrees with Dave the contract terms, he also asks him to take care of Nicholas, like he is a precious thing. And indeed he is, Nicholas, precious, and fragile, but as I said, he unveals hidden strengths, that maybe aren't useful in real life, but that make him intriguing, also to the eyes of otherwise straight Dave.

Truth be told, I don't believe Dave is straight; he fell in love with Denise when he was 5 years old, and just by chance, Denise is a strong woman, way stronger than Dave. I have the feeling that, if Dave was approached by a boy and not a girl, he would have fell in love with the boy too. Dave needs a leading hand, not in real life, but for his emotional path: what a strange combination, a guide who needs to be driven.

Julie Bozza puts together an unlikely pair, but right for that, it was endearing to read how they fell in love, and the ending was almost fairy tale.

Paperback: 172 pages
Publisher: Manifold Press (November 12, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1908312963
ISBN-13: 978-1908312969
Amazon: Butterfly Hunter
Amazon Kindle: Butterfly Hunter

More Reviews by Author at my website: http://www.elisarolle.com/, My Reviews

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Tags: author: julie bozza, genre: contemporary, length: novel, review, theme: cinderfella

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