elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Torquere Press Celebrates 11 Years in Gay Romance

AUSTIN — Torquere Press is celebrating their 11-year anniversary this month with giveaways, special releases, contests, and more.
Torquere Press, a royalty paying, full-service publisher of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual romance, began in 2003. The original eBook publisher for the GLBT community, Torquere has published several best-selling authors such as Sean Michael, Julia Talbot, Chris Owen, BA Tortuga, and Kiernan Kelly.

Eleven years ago, two authors started Torquere Press because no one else in the publishing industry was producing gay romance. Today, Torquere publishes every genre of romance, from paranormal to western to sci-fi, as long as the main characters are GLBT. They have also expanded with Prizm, the first YA GLBT publisher and a subsidiary of Torquere Press, which began in 2008 and targets a young- and new-adult audience.

To celebrate their anniversary, Torquere Press will be releasing special edition $0.99 bundles, available for a limited time only. The first three collections will feature titles from Sean Michael, BA Tortuga, and Julia Talbot. These bundles will be available September 15.

September will also include multiple chances for readers to win prizes. Every Tuesday is #TorquereTrivia day, which gives readers the opportunity to win a $5 gift certificate by answering trivia questions on Twitter (@torquere) about the press, its authors, and its books. Torquere's Twitter will also host several authors throughout the month, who will be posting from @torquere with eBook giveaways, free excerpts, writing tips, and more.

Torquere will celebrate by releasing new books from longstanding authors, including Sean Michael and Julia Talbot. Also, everything at torquerebooks.com will be on sale for 25% off with coupon code TORQUERE2014 during the week of September 15-21.

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Tags: giveaway

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