elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Idolatry (Reagalos: Book 2 – Sequel to Servitude) by Rebecca Cohen

Idolatry (Reagalos: Book 2 – Sequel to Servitude) by Rebecca Cohen
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (September 5, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1627989390
ISBN-13: 978-1627989398
Amazon: Idolatry (Reagalos: Book 2 – Sequel to Servitude)
Amazon Kindle: Idolatry (Reagalos: Book 2 – Sequel to Servitude)

Sequel to Servitude

Reagalos: Book Two

Upon taking the throne as High Lord of Katraman and Liege of Scura, Lornyc Reagalos’s focus on rebuilding one city and reassuring another leaves little time for his husband, Methian. Added to that, he must contend with the unexpected revelation that his grandfather, Romanus, set up his own religion and named an enigmatic figure called The One as its deity. Through some twisted interpretation of the signs left by Romanus, the Cerulean Cult comes to believe Lornyc is their god and invites him to sanctify the Cult as part of its five-hundred-year anniversary.

During the Sanctification Ceremony, the Cult’s holy relic, an orb given to it by Romanus, is split, releasing an entity that tears a hole in the dimensions. The species that guards the dimensions, the Valen, force Lornyc to fix the breach, or they will have him extinguished.

Now as Lornyc faces a race through the different planes of existence to capture the escaped entity, he must rely on his own Valen guardians to help him. With Methian and his family by his side, Lornyc must fight to repair the damage or lose his life.


An eagle-eyed gardener stopped him as he got closer to the house, and Lornyc conceded that Diam was right about the approach to the manor and he’d been watched since the moment he’d come over the rise.

“Can I help you?” the gardener asked, brandishing his fork in a slightly threatening way.

As Lornyc got closer, the gardener almost dropped the fork, and Lornyc supposed it wasn’t every day the dead lord of the manor appeared to have been resurrected. “I’ve been sent to apply for a position in the household.”

The gardener’s mouth opened and closed without a sound until he finally got himself under control. “Does his lordship know?”

“I should think so. He told my father I was to come today.”

The expression the gardener pulled was a mix of disbelief and horror. “He asked for you to come today?”

“Er… yes.”

The gardener shook his head and waved an arm in the direction of the house. “Then you’d best go on up. The door on left goes into the kitchen, and someone in there will point you to Mr. Spand the butler.”

The kitchen maid dropped a serving dish when she saw him—it shattered into too many pieces for it to be salvageable—and the cook gasped.

“I’m looking for Mr. Spand.”

The cook dried her hands on her apron and peered at him. “Oh, I’m sorry. You look a lot like someone else.”

“What’s all this mess?” demanded a man wearing butler attire. He stopped in midstride as he saw Lornyc.

“Mr. Spand?”

The butler recovered. “Yes, and you are?”

“Emaus Juste. I believe you’re expecting me. My father is the valet to one of Lord Hadral’s friends.”

Spand gnawed the inside of his cheek. “Have you met Lord Hadral before?”

“Yes, sir.” Lornyc saw the cook raise her eyebrows. “A couple of times now. He seemed very keen for me to come.”

“You are aware that his lordship remarried yesterday?”

Fuck, thought Lornyc, and now someone looking like his dead husband has turned up, supposedly at Lord Methian’s request. “No, sir. Is there a problem? If his lordship is busy I could come back.”

“There will be no need for that. Tell me, Mr. Juste, did you ever meet his lordship’s previous spouse, Lord Lornyc?”

Lornyc pretended to be recollecting and shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so.”

“You’d have known if you had, lad,” said the cook. “I can’t see Lady Josheta being too keen on your appointment.”

“Why would that be?” asked Lornyc innocently.

Spand interrupted. “Less of that talk. I’ll inform his lordship you have arrived and take you to wait in a reception room.”

Author Bio: Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and baby son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.
Author Contact:

Tour Dates & Stops:
9/4: Prism Book Alliance, Parker Williams
9/5: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
9/8: Fallen Angel Reviews
9/9: The Hat Party
9/10: Havan Fellows
9/11: Love Bytes
9/12: The Novel Approach, 3 Chicks After Dark
9/15: Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews
9/16: MM Good Book Reviews
9/17: Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings

Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rafflecopter Prize: An e-copy of Servitude & Idolatry

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Tags: author: rebecca cohen, excerpt, giveaway, news release

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