elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Cathy Pegau (born September 27)

Cathy Pegau can't seem to write anything that doesn't have some sort of "otherness" in it. Science fiction, sword and sorcery fantasy, shape shifters, ghosts...You name it, she's willing to write it.

Cathy lives in Alaska with her family, pets, and the occasional black bear wandering through the yard.

Deep Deception won a 2013 Rainbow Award as Best Lesbian Sci-Fi / Futuristic.

Further Readings:

Deep Deception by Cathy Pegau
Publisher: Carina Press (May 27, 2013)
Amazon Kindle: Deep Deception

Colonial Mining Authority agent Natalia Hallowell doesn't always play by the rules, but she wouldn't compromise a case either. Put on administrative leave under a cloud of accusation, with no support from her boss, Natalia seeks a little anonymous companionship at her favorite bar. But she's surprised when the woman who catches her fancy starts buying her drinks.

Desperate, Genevieve "Gennie" Caine has no choice but to seduce, drug and tie Natalia to the bed to get her attention. With the Reyes Corporation after something she has, Gennie needs Natalia to open an investigation and distract them long enough for her to get off Nevarro.

Natalia doesn't trust Gennie—despite the growing attraction between them—but the corporation's suspiciously high profits and abnormal business dealings convince her that they must be hiding something. She has no idea just how deep the deceptions run…

More Rainbow Awards at my website: www.elisarolle.com/, Rainbow Awards/2013

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Tags: author: cathy pegau, rainbow awards 2013

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