elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

GayRomLit Retreat: Wade Kelly

Starting from March up until September I will feature authors attending the GayRomLit Retreat in Chicago (October 16-19, 2014: http://gayromlit.com/grl-authors).

Today author is Wade Kelly:
Hi. I'm Wade. Yes, I'm an author. I live and write in conservative, small-town America. Here, it's not always easy to live free and open in one's beliefs. Nevertheless, I strive to write passionately about controversial issues and ponder contentious subjects on paper as I try to make a difference in the world by making people think. Basically, I write what I feel, I write what I know, and I write what I think others need to hear. And if you think a character sounds like someone you know, think again... All my characters are ME. Unlike some authors, I have no huge background in writing or philosophy. I'm not good at punctuation or spelling, and my thoughts often surpass my ability as an author to express them. However, I can't NOT write. It's who I am. When not writing, I'm thinking about writing and more than likely scribbling notes on sticky notes in the car while playing "taxi driver" for my three children. I like ball pythons and I have a turtle in the bathtub. I hope you are touched by my stories. By the way.... I love Lynne Truss' book Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
Website: http://www.writerwadekelly.com/index.html

Wade Kelly is offering a copy of Names Can Never Hurt Me to one commenter on this blog. You can comment on LJ or DW if you have an account (I will send a PM to the winner), if you don't have an account, please leave a comment on DW with a contact email.

Names Can Never Hurt Me by Wade Kelly
Paperback: 340 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1627988564
ISBN-13: 978-1627988568
Amazon: Names Can Never Hurt Me
Amazon Kindle: Names Can Never Hurt Me

What if sexuality wasn’t a definable thing and labels merely got in the way?

Nick Jones can’t remember a time when he wasn’t part of the in crowd. Everywhere he goes, he stands out as the best looking guy in the room, and women practically fall into bed with him. Then, after kissing Corey on a dare led to much more and on many occasions, Nick’s “screw anything” reputation escalated, but he didn’t care.

When Nick meets RC at the restaurant where he works, it throws his whole life out of whack. Overweight, always sweaty, gay, and hairy like a bear, RC lives up to his dubbed nickname “Scruffy Dude.” He seems Nick’s complete opposite, but Nick can’t get him out of his head.

Because of peer-pressure and his fears about defining his sexuality, Nick struggles with stepping out of his comfort zone and caring about someone different than himself. If he’s lucky, somewhere between arrogance and ignorance, Nick might find out what it means to be an adult, but if he’s wrong, he could lose everything.

This journal is friends only. This entry was originally posted at http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4444512.html. If you are not friends on this journal, Please comment there using OpenID.
Tags: author: wade kelly, gayromlit, giveaway

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