elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Elaine Mulligan & Lee Lynch

Lee Lynch (born 1945) is an American author who started writing lesbian fiction and non-fiction in the 1960s when she was a contributor to The Ladder, the only lesbian publication at the time.

Lynch's syndicated column, The Amazon Trail, has been running since 1986. Bold Strokes Books is releasing An American Queer, a collection of her columns covering the last 25 years. Bold Strokes Books published Lee’s most recent novel, The Raid, in October 2012. Her novel, Beggar of love received the 2009 Ann Bannon Award.

Lee has received the James Duggins Mid-Career Author Award, the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Bronze Award, the Golden Crown Literary Society Trailblazer Award, the Alice B. Reader Award and was inducted into the Saints and Sinners Literary Hall of Fame. In 2012, the Golden Crown Literary Society created The Lee Lynch Classics Award; the inaugural award was for Lynch's 1985 tour de force, The Swashbuckler.

Elaine Mulligan (born June 13, 1961) made her career in banking, although her heart has always been on the golf course or buried in a book. Since 2002, Elaine has been writing book reviews. In 2008, she was selected to the Amazon Vine program of reviewers. Like her wife, Elaine’s family hails from New England. Since 2007 they travel every October to Provincetown, Massachusetts for Women’s Week and come away rejuvenated after reveling in being fabulously gay.

Elaine and Lee married on October 10, 2010, in Provincetown.

©Kim Baldwin, Courtesy of Elaine Mulligan. Elaine and Lee, exchanged wedding vows during an 11:00 a.m. outdoor ceremony on October 10, 2010 in the garden of Michael Shay’s Restaurant in Provincetown (©15)
Lee Lynch is an American author who started writing lesbian fiction and non-fiction in the 1960s when she was a contributor to The Ladder, the only lesbian publication at the time. Lynch's syndicated column, The Amazon Trail, has been running since 1986. Elaine Mulligan made her career in banking, although her heart has always been on the golf course or buried in a book. Since 2002, Elaine has been writing book reviews. In 2008, she was selected to the Amazon Vine program of reviewers.
Elaine and Lee married on October 10, 2010, in Provincetown.

Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time by Elisa Rolle
Paperback: 760 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (July 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1500563323
ISBN-13: 978-1500563325
CreateSpace Store: https://www.createspace.com/4910282
Amazon (Paperback): http://www.amazon.com/dp/1500563323/?tag=elimyrevandra-20
Amazon (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MZG0VHY/?tag=elimyrevandra-20

Days of Love chronicles more than 700 LGBT couples throughout history, spanning 2000 years from Alexander the Great to the most recent winner of a Lambda Literary Award. Many of the contemporary couples share their stories on how they met and fell in love, as well as photos from when they married or of their families. Included are professional portraits by Robert Giard and Stathis Orphanos, paintings by John Singer Sargent and Giovanni Boldini, and photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnson, Arnold Genthe, and Carl Van Vechten among others. “It's wonderful. Laying it out chronologically is inspired, offering a solid GLBT history. I kept learning things. I love the decision to include couples broken by death. It makes clear how important love is, as well as showing what people have been through. The layout and photos look terrific.” Christopher Bram “I couldn’t resist clicking through every page. I never realized the scope of the book would cover centuries! I know that it will be hugely validating to young, newly-emerging LGBT kids and be reassured that they really can have a secure, respected place in the world as their futures unfold.” Howard Cruse “This international history-and-photo book, featuring 100s of detailed bios of some of the most forward-moving gay persons in history, is sure to be one of those bestsellers that gay folk will enjoy for years to come as reference and research that is filled with facts and fun.” Jack Fritscher

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Tags: author: lee lynch, days of love

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