He began writing after moving west and dumping his television, and has gradually expanded his output. His first novel, Lovers’ Knot, was released in December of 2009 by Running Press to critical acclaim. He is currently working on a stage adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for the Butterfield 8 Theater Company. Other work includes Space/Time Magic, (as editor) by Taylor Ellwood, for Immanion Press, and his biographical essay Puppy Whipped was published in Paws And Reflect (by Alyson Press).
When he isn’t writing -- or catering to the demands of Schultz -- he can be found onstage or in rehearsal with Butterfield 8, usually performing in Shakespeare with a twist. On certain weekends, he’s an avid Renaissance (Faire) Man — proving that even when he’s offstage, he’s onstage.
He has discovered, in the writing of this biography, that speaking of himself in the third person is strangely appealing, and is struggling with his desire to break into the royal first person plural. He fears he may fail, and so will end, lest he offend even more.
Since December 1, 2013, he is engaged with Andrew David Hirss.
Lovers Knot won a 2010 Rainbow Award as Best Gay Historical and Best Gay Novel.
Source: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2916187.Donald_Hardy
Further Readings:
Lover's Knot: An M/M Romance by Donald Hardy
Series: M/M Romance
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Running Press (December 22, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0762436859
ISBN-13: 978-0762436859
Amazon: Lover's Knot: An M/M Romance
Amazon Kindle: Lover's Knot: An M/M Romance
Jonathan Williams has inherited Trevaglan Farm from a distant relative. With his best friend, Alayne, in tow, Jonathan returns to the estate to take possession, meet the current staff, and generally learn what it’s like to live as the landed gentry now. He’d only been there once before, fourteen years earlier. But that was a different time, he’s a different person now, determined to put that experience out of his mind and his heart….
The locals agree that Jonathan is indeed different from the lost young man he was that long ago summer, when he arrived at the farm for a stay after his mother died. Back then the hot summer days were filled with sunshine, the nearby ocean, and a new friend, Nat. Jonathan and the farmhand had quickly grown close, Jonathan needing comfort in the wake of his grief, and Nat basking in the peace and love he didn’t have at home.
But that was also a summer of rumors and strange happenings in the surrounding countryside, romantic triangles and wronged lovers. Tempers would flare like a summer lightning storm, and ebb just as quickly. By the summer’s end, one young man was dead, and another haunted for life.
Now Jonathan is determined to start anew. Until he starts seeing the ghost of his former friend everywhere he looks. Until mementos of that summer idyll reappear. Until Alayne’s life is in danger. Until the town’s resident witch tells Jonathan that ghosts are real. And this one is tied to Jonathan unto death…
More Rainbow Awards at my website: www.elisarolle.com/, Rainbow Awards/2010
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