elisa_rolle (elisa_rolle) wrote,

Best Bisexual General Fiction

And the Rainbow Award goes to:

1. Alpha Trine (The Valespian Pact) by Lexi Ander
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (September 25, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1620042444
ISBN-13: 978-1620042441
Amazon: Alpha Trine (The Valespian Pact)
Amazon Kindle: Alpha Trine (The Valespian Pact)

Honestly this is one of the best books I've read this year. It is a rich, full world with rich, full characters. I couldn't have asked for a better sci-fi book. Sci-fi is one of the hardest (in my opinion) genres to write in, and it's rare (for me) that a story captures my interest so thoroughly.

I read the original free version, but this is much smoother and well edited. The characters are the strong point. The start with the alien lizardlike species who adopt Zeus is really inventive and fascinating. The symbiont bond between Dargon and Alpha is very interesting and original too. World building is good, but I have a feeling more will come with the sequel. Same goes with plot development - it felt a tiny bit unfinished. Writing style is very good.

A rare books that sends reader straight back to the bookstore to get part 2. The story keeps you wondering what's next till the very end. Just the right balance between sci-phy and romance in perfect space settings. Thank you for introducing that wonderful author to my library.
d. Alone in deep space, Zeus is adopted by a noble family whose lineage may be too great for him to join. Exciting tale of danger and privilege.

The first in a series; a very different story about a world where humans are revilved and other species revired, and how a blind human changes the course of several worlds, including his own future.

Runners Up:
2. Cythera by Jo Graham
3. The River Within by Baxter Clare Trautman
4. The Stars Change by Mary Anne Mohanraj
5. Best Bi Short Stories by Sheela Lambert

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Tags: rainbow awards 2014

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