1. The End of Eve: A Memoir by Ariel Gore
Paperback: 234 pages
Publisher: Hawthorne Books (March 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0986000795
ISBN-13: 978-0986000799
Amazon: The End of Eve: A Memoir
Amazon Kindle: The End of Eve: A Memoir
Beautiful, raw, honest, and compelling. I absolutely couldn't put it down until I was finished. Simply gorgeous.
I had read this - I picked it up at GCLS in Portland in July - excellent writing - riveting - I could not put it down until the last page - it is my favorite in this category.
This story was equal parts hilarious and hilariously disturbing. Perhaps because I saw my own biological mother portrayed in the Eve but either way I believe that the author's writing style and just the general plot of the story will strike a chord with many people. I do wish that the setting had been a bit more descriptive, but, with the portrayal of the characters, the angst, the bickering, the fight that Ariel has within herself when it comes to her mother.
This was a magnificent book. All the revelations come at the right moment for proper story development. The book is sad, funny, horrifying. It is deeply insightful and real. It's about more than her dying mother and recovery from abuse--it's about life itself and how to navigate this crazy, awful world. I thought the book was exceptional. The major characters are exceptionally well-developed, but even the minor characters are well-developed.
This book had me sucked in from the very beginning... I must admit I didn’t think I was going to like it so I put it to the end of my reading list... but I ended up enjoying it the most. Will definitely look for more my this author.
I loved this honest and amusing tale of endeavouring to live a good life and to deal civilly with a nightmare of a mother. Beautifully done.
Runners Up:
2. Waiting for the Violins by Justine Saracen
3. (tie)
a. Club Storyville by Riley LaShea
b. Camellia by Caitlin Ricci & Cari Z.
4. Rest Home Runaways by Clifford Henderson
5. Time Fries! Aging Gracelessly in Rehoboth Beach by Fay Jacobs
6. Season of the Wolf by Robin Summers
7. Rapture, Sins of the Sinners by Fran Heckrotte & A.C. Henley
8. Departure from the Script by Jae
9. (tie)
a. Loved and Lost by Stephanie Kusiak
b. No Boundaries by Donna K. Ford
10. Eight Dates by Lori L. Lake
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